There is this light that shines so brightly it lights up every nook and cranny of your being. The darkness you feel is you innocently believing your thinking. Thoughts like a shadow-blanket, a veil if you will looking, feeling and sounding so real you smell and taste it. You innocently believing your experience is telling you about who you are, what you can and can not accomplish in life, that you should be more, do more, live better. When in truth you are enough! Your heart lies intact and pure only momentarily covered with specks of dust. You are not broken. You only think you are. Your light shines brightly the rays like prisms revealing your true colors. I see your heart and I feel the truth of it in my own. Do you know this light? Do you know this essence and truth of who you are?
I denne weekend blev jeg indviet i Reiki 1. Det var et lœrerigt og personligt kursus, og for mig en helt sœrlig oplevelse. Som du måske ved betyder Rei Universel Visdom og Ki er Livets Kraft. I januar sidste år havde jeg en dyb personlig oplevelse af at vœre fuldt tilstede i denne universelle, alt omfavnede og kœrlige livsenergi og visdom, som hele tiden og altid lever og guider os. Dette kursus var for mig en slags vidergående uddannelse af min allerede eksisterende viden om du vil, og helt sœrligt var det at opdage at kunne have fuld tillid til det følte og sete, og at kunne kanalisere denne intuition og visdom til gavn for et andet menneske. Jeg føler dyb taknemmelighed for denne oplevelse, og glœdes over også at kunne bringe dette aspekt, denne indsigt med mig ind i min coaching og stilhedsretreats. 💞
- - Photo: ByGerdAltmannFromPixabay |
KategoriesTrine HøhrmannI point to the formless and constant of our experience; that we experience from the inside-out 100% of the time, that we are whole regardless of what we may believe, and that we already contain all we need to navigate in life. I invite you to listen. Welcome!
May 2021