You are not your thinking moving through your mind, like sticks and soft leaves in a gentle river. You are not your thinking seemingly stuck on repeat like a heavy cloud covering the sky on a stormy day. You are not the feelings, heavy nor light, that dance or stomp through you in perfect unison with each thought. You are not your past experiences. What is experienced is thinking in the real time moment of Now. You are not the sticky note labels you, others or society define you by - the list of labels being endless but none True… If who you are, is not this, then who are you, in this moment? Text: Trine Høhrmann, © 2021
Photo: Canva
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KategoriesTrine HøhrmannI point to the formless and constant of our experience; that we experience from the inside-out 100% of the time, that we are whole regardless of what we may believe, and that we already contain all we need to navigate in life. I invite you to listen. Welcome!
Maj 2021